Something odd seems to have happened nearly three years ago, now. My writing started to take off and I was suddenly getting material published. Yet, at the same time I stopped updating my Blog. This seems a bit nuts, really. You'd think this was a great platform for promoting my work, and maybe giving a little insight into how the work came about. And you'd be right. As one does, I decided in the shower this evening that I needed to do something about the situation.
So, here I am with a brief introductory post.
What I plan to do is to take each franchise to which I've contributed, or each publisher I've worked with, and do a post about that work. If I tried to cover everything in depth I'd never get anything else done, and even though we're still locked down (as I write this) I do have a day job to do, as well as my ongoing writing commitments - along with attempting to be at least a half decent husband and father, all at the same time.
Over the next however long this takes me to catch up, I'll be covering my work so far with Candy Jar Books on the Lethbridge-Stewart and Lucy Wilson Mysteries ranges. There's Big Finish, for whom I've now written two Bernice Summerfield short stories. Thebes Publishing and their Erimem range of books and then onto my Sherlock Holmes pastiches for MX Publishing and also for Belanger Books. My only non-franchise piece so far has been in a collection called Relics, from Red Ted Books (edited by Scott Claringbold). I think that deserves a post all of its own.
And, of course, if anything new comes out in the meantime, I'll do my best to sing about it from the rooftops!
So, I'm back, basically.